A new foundation from Ürgüp: ÜRTAV
ÜRTAV (Ürgüp Promotion Foundation), which is founded by Ahmet Aydın, Ahmet Küçükyıldız, Ahmet Yiğitoğlu, Bekir Erdoğan, Fahri Yıldız, Halil Özaslan, Hasan Turasan, İbrahim Baştutan, İsmail Kemal Terzioğlu, Mehmet Ayaz, Metin Bakılan, Muammer Sak, Mustafa Dinler, Nebil Tahincioğlu and Yakup Dinler with pioneering support of Ürgüp District Governorate, and initiation of Ürgüp Municipality, will be serving to unveil, protect and develop the historical cultural and touristic potential of Ürgüp, and equipped it as economic values, and to sustain a continuous and effective promotion of Ürgüp interior and abroad.
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