Writer: Osman Yüksel
August 2010
We underrate many plants, found at the side of the field or exposed terrain, as ordinary grass though most of them are the staple of medicines, cure for us. Beside treatments with medicine, “folk medicine” implementation in Anatolia is based on knowledge and usage of plants. Most of the medicinal herbs in Turkey are planted in Cappadocia. Merely, among them endemic species can be found. This writing gives information about both the medicinal herbs found in Cappadocia and used by the locals and the plants used as staple of dye.
Note: This article has been published in Peribacası Cappadocia Culture and Publicity Magazine, August 2010 issue. It is under protection of the copyrights of the magazine. No part of this article may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by electronic, mechanical or other means without prior permission from the owner. www.cappadociaexplorer.com